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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Christmas Greetings!

We hope this year has been a good one, treating your family well.

Kaitlyn is 15, almost 16. She is turning into a nice young lady. She has been busy as usual. She ran JV and Varsity Track last spring where she excels at sprints and hurdles. She went to Young Life camp this summer in Minnesota. She had a blast getting to parasail and much more. She is still involved in Student Council and FCA. She also went to cheerleader camp at MU. Kaitlyn made the Varsity Cheer squad at Oak Park High School and has not had any major injuries yet. Kaitlyn is also part of Krista’s preschool experience, as Krista attends preschool at Kaitlyn’s High School, which is operated by the Child Development class that Kaitlyn attends.

Which brings us to Krista … she is 3½ and loves to go to school to play with “A Lot of Sissy’s Friends!” She loves it so much she often cries on the way home. One time the teacher had to carry her to the car kicking and screaming. (Embarrassing mommy greatly.) She is also in Cubbies and Kid’s Choir at church. Krista is enthusiastic and loves everybody. She enjoys her pink bedroom and girly things, however, she is asking for a Choo Choo Train and Dinosaurs for Christmas. She is always surprising us with the cute and smart things that she says.

Conversely, we would be thrilled if Alex would say something besides “UGHH!” Actually, his vocabulary is slowly expanding. He loves to say “Grandpa” and “MEOW!” like a kitty cat. Alex is 21 Months old. While Mommy and Daddy were out celebrating their 5th Wedding Anniversary, he (with Krista’s help) got the wheels of a toy truck caught in his hair. Kaitlyn had to give him his first haircut. The day after he learned to climb out of his crib, our adventurous son got his head stuck between the spindles of our stairway banister. Rescue 911! In Krista’s words, “Firefighters Saved Alex!” (And broke the banister.) Alex is very mechanical and loves to wrestle, although Krista does not always share his interest of wrestling. He loves his sisters very much. (Right now.)

David had quite the project this summer building a patio under our deck. (Thanks to his Dad and our brothers for their help.) He is playing his bass guitar at Church, and he recently beat the “Insane” difficulty level on some video game. (Whatever that means.)

Laura is enjoying being with the children, watching them grow and learn. Although, we’re not sure about Kaitlyn learning to drive.J Laura is working three days a week, and running Kaitlyn around. The other kids have her running also.

On the good side we have been pretty healthy. We gained another adorable niece, Kayla, born to David’s sister Julie. However, we are missing David’s Grandpa and Laura’s Grandma as they have gone to be with the Lord this year. We thank God for the memories and family and friends that He has given us. We wish you all the peace He has to offer in the good and bad times.

Merry Christmas and may you have a wonderful year!