Yesterday I finished Gran Turismo 4. The whole thing. 100%. All Gold licenses. Victory in every race. What am I talking about?
I've played sports and games my entire life, usually at a level of mediocrity. Baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, golf, football (flag), volleyball, etc ... they're fun. I play for comraderie more than victory. I've also spent a fair number of hours playing video games. For the past 2 years, Halo 2 has been my demonstration of "Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly."
A few things are a little different. Racquetball, that's my sport. Racing, that's my game.
I remember about 10 years ago at Best Buy spotting a child playing Gran Turismo (1) at the in-store Playstation kiosk. It was by far the most realistic racing game I'd ever seen. In fact, the word "game" wasn't on it. It was a simulator. Awesome. Problem: I didn't own a playstation. Problem solved: My girlfriend did. So, I bought a game and a controller without owning a Playstation.
It took me a few months of dog-sitting, house-sitting, and hanging out, but I finished the game. I loved every minute of it. In 2001, when Gran Turismo 3 was released as the flagship game of the new Playstation 2, I bought them both. It took me a year to finish GT 3. In early 2005 they released GT 4. It took me 20 months, but now I have finished it also. I eagerly anticipate the Playstation 3 and Gran Turismo 5. (I'll need to invest in the HDTV first.)
At this moment of history, I reflect on some other questionable investments of time:
Doom: I finished Doom1, 2, and 3. Bring on 4 !! Doom 2 required two years to beat the last level. I don't believe in cheat codes.
Civilization: The original. This was the game of my college years. I finally declared victory over the game when I beat Level 5 opponents to Alpha Centauri. (Sadly, that was about 8 years after I graduated from college.)
X-Wing: The original. This was another game that required a few years because of a couple levels that I found challenging. I especially enjoy the irony of the level that you can only win by running (flying as fast as possible) from the enemy. Any attempt to engage the enemy would slow you down and allow more enemy to engage you. That level was fun. I'd destroy a hundred tie fighters before they'd get me.
Halo: I am terrible at FPS games. All of them. But, I like to play. Thus I bought an X-Box solely for the opportunity to play Halo 2. My X-Box Live "kill/killed" ratio is terrible, but I keep returning for more punishment.
There have been others ... numerous others ... too many for a single blog entry.
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