Notes from the Domicile
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Monday, June 05, 2006


When I was in graduate school, I was a member of the MBA program's Marketing Case Competition team. We competed against other East coast MBA programs in an annual competition. Our competition-winning presentation was themed with David Bowie's song, "Changes." I can't admit to being a huge fan of the song, and would have chosen a different theme had it been entirely my decision, but the team liked it, the judges loved it, and the traveling trophy will forever bear my name.

I began publishing "The Pragmatic Domicile" in1996 when I thought it may be a good idea to attain 'web' experience. (Rare occurrence of foresight.) Since its inception, the site has contained a page of "Chronicles." I suppose the word 'Blog' hadn't been invented yet.

Originally, the chronicles were updated weekly and contained short notes. Then my strategy changed to include less-frequent updates with higher quality content and images. Sadly, I must admit to not updating the chronicles as frequently as intended. I blame change.

Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes (Turn and face the strain) ...

Marriage. Children. Homes. Need I say more? I'd rather chase my giggling daughter around the house while threatening to eat her toes in a thinly veiled attempt to exhaust her energy so she'll go to bed as opposed to tap my well-hidden wealth (ha!) of creative wit so I can spend an hour coding new text and images into my web site.

Pretty soon you're gonna get a little older ... Time may change me ... But I can't trace time ... I said that time may change me ... But I can't trace time.

Time may change me, but I haven't conceded tracing time. Not yet.


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